演讲人:陈国明(Guo-Ming Chen)教授
美国罗德岛大学传播学教授。跨文化传播学研究国际协会(IAICS)理事会成员,美国中华传播研究学会(ACCS)创会主席,美国东方传播协会(ECA)跨文化传播组主席和口语传播协会立法委员会成员。主要研究兴趣是跨文化传播学、组织传播学,方向主要包括全球传播、跨文化传播能力、中国人传播行为、冲突管理和协商等领域。详细情况可参阅: http://www.uri.edu/personal/gmchen
主要著述:Chen is the (co)author and (co)editor of 20 books and Journal special issues, including Foundations of intercultural communication, Communication and global society, Dialogue among diversities, Chinese conflict management and resolution, Introduction to intercultural communication( in Chinese), Theories and principles of Chinese communication (in Chinese), An introduction to media Literacy( in Chinese) Chinese perspective of conflict management and resolution, Asian perspectives of culture and communication, and others.
Chen has present over 70 conference papers, produced numerous book chapters and essays, and published over 40 referenced articles in Communication Yearbook, Journal of cross-cultural psychology, Communication Quarterly, Human Communication, Communication research reports, Intercultural communication studies, The Howard journal of communications, Journal of psychology, China media research, and in other professional journals.