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全球传播论坛 上海交通大学传播与设计学院
Invitation for attendance and call for papers 2007 Global Communication Forum, China, The Institute of Global Communication Research (IGCR), The School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Created by the Institute of Global Communication Research of Shanghai Jiaotong University, the 2007 Global Communication Forum (2007GCForum, China) will take place on April 28th and April 29th in Shanghai, China. 2007 GCForum will be the first international conference, inside China Mainland, specially designed for both communication educators and industry professions worldwide. In the times of integration, the forum is planned to build up anannual platform gathering educators, researchers, professions and industry leaders together with hot issues in the shared fields. Following the spirit to March with the trends of globalization and share the Chinese experiences, the forum will welcome papers of all interests and highlights that of communication education, research and industry development in China. Chairman of the Forum: Professor Maxwell McCombs, Jesse H. Jones Chair in Communications and professor of government, The University of Texas at Austin Chairman of the Organization Committee: Professor Zhang Guoliang, Director of the Institute of Global Communication Research, Dean of the School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Chairman of the Process: Professor Li Shaonani, Dean of Social Science, Hang Kong Chinese University Papers and Panels lenary The forum will host a plenary to announce its official launch, on which guest speakers will deliver their speeches lead by the theme New Trends of Education and Research with the Global Wave of New-Media-Mediated Communication. Panels Competitive research paper sessions will run side-by-side with a wide variety of panels including those are relevant to the followings: ÃTrends of education and research in communication under the circumstances of new communication media developed. Ã The reformation of governmental regulation and legal system development. Ã The impacts on the communication industry in different countries by the wave of globalization and new media technology innovation. Ã The impacts on both the society and individual by the new-media-mediated communication. Ã The trends of the practice in mass communication areas including management, marketing, HR and editorial. Ã Others. Industry Leaders Conference Based on the theme ˜Integration Innovates Value, the forum will organize a half-day conference specially for the dialogue between the academics and industries. Attending the forum Time arrangement AM April 28th: plenary PM April 28th: panels AM April 29th: Industry leaders conference Placement of the forum: the Lecture Hall in the School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China. Language for the forum Chinese and English will be the official language for the forum. All the papers from Chinese attendances will be more acceptable with an English version or an abstracts in English at least. All the presentation for the papers are bilingual. Deadline and contacts for the papers Deadline: March 31th, 2007 Contacts: Yao Junxi, Ph.D. Associate Dean of the School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Email for papers: gcforum@163.com Contact information for attendance Yao Junxi, Ph.D. Associate Dean, the School of Media and Design, No, 800, Dongchuan Road, Min Hang District, Shanghai, 200240 Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Tel: 86-21-34205808 Fax: 86-21-34205809 Email: jxyao@sjtu.edu.cn

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